Fuck erebus. He killed an aspiring Colchisian priest and stole his identity to secure a life of luxury among the priesthood. Fuck erebus

 He killed an aspiring Colchisian priest and stole his identity to secure a life of luxury among the priesthoodFuck erebus I know that fuck Erebus are the watchwords of our subreddit but I very much feel as though Typhus is so much more of an asshole

Erebus is homophobic? TheFlayingHamster •. Primarchs faltered. ago. A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain…Fuck Erebus. Your central hub for the dankest memes from the 41st millennium and the Mortal…Erebus is the First Chaplain of the Word Bearers and an asshole. Your central hub for the dankest memes from the 41st millennium and the Mortal…Really, fuck Erebus. No Sororitas, no Inquisition, no Grey Knights, and DEFINITELY no Xenos. Erebus joined the Legion after Lorgar had joined the Legion. That was why Erebus could flaunt himself in front of Loken - because there was no one Loken could tell. Erebus tried to defend himself but he was just a candle in the inferno as that magnus apperd. ‘You let the mask slip, Erebus,’ he told him. I just wanna say fuck Erebus, I get it now. BrassBass • 3 mo. Maybe now people will get the erebus suggestions are afronts to humanity that should be burnt instead of read or watched (yes i am specifically mentioning the dude that read TBASOTMG) 5. "Yes," replied Lorgar. But until now, I don't think I've ever truly understand the sentiment behind 'Fuck Erebus'. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Thunderous_Ball_Slap • 2 yr. Oh hell yes as a person i hate him but as a character, he's pretty stellar IN HOW MUCH I HATE HIM! He's fine. I want him to leave me crying and screaming. I’m just not. In fact, I find his one dimension fascinating. ago. Erebus was the first chaplain of the Word Bearers legion. You got a human civilization that was more sophisticated and technological advanced than the imperium itself, and superior in many ways, exterminated because of Erebus bullshit. also that is the most bad ass looking locust i have ever. He's also a dick to anyone he's around. Marks of accomplishment and power. Erebus is a very good bad guy in the 30k/40k setting. Fuck Erebus. First of all, fuck Erebus. 98 /r/fuckerebus. Everyone should read Empress Theresa. For additional reading on this read The First Heretic. Alright so Tehre's two main factions; the Order and Royal Makai. 340K subscribers in the Grimdank community. In the book series The Horus Heresy, there is a character named Erebus. All that said, I am now writing an open letter to Erebus, chaplain of the Word Bearers: "Fuck you with four-foot rusted adamantium pipe!" Erebus needs to suffer beyond the Drukhari's wildest dreams. Architect of fate, he who had walked the ten thousand futures felt fingers of ethereal force draw tight around his hearts Drawn by the Athame, given a bridge of blood the final thing Erebus heard before the darkness came for him was a snarl. Morty did kinda get shafted tho. The God emperor, the one true God, may his holy word fill your heart, smote Horus like the $2 whore he was, but Erebus escaped and that may be the single greatest injustice in a universe built on bricks made of injustice and mortared with a thin paste made of "Magnus did nothing wrong". ago. 1. Erebus drew his gladius in a smooth motion, reversing the grip and offering the sword to Lorgar. ago. Erebus is the most important character in 40k lore, change my mind. Fuck him. His parents would constantly chastise him and compare him to another boy named. ‘You let the mask slip, Erebus,’ he told him. 1. Kharn is pretty blue collar - he's got a work ethic - he'd like that Skull but there's work to do here and those heads aren't lopping themselves off. r/fuckerebus: A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain of the Word Bearers legion. 239 votes, 33 comments. 7. Got into the game in 5th ed, and any book Matt Ward touched was incredibly infuriating to play against. Due to an issue with certain individuals targeting smaller subreddits with spoilers for Avengers Endgame, the subreddit will…Also, the obligatory "fuck Erebus". I assume that Erebus was just young enough for it to not be guaranteed fatal, like it would have been for Kor Phaeron or Luther, was able to survive and become a full Astartes. About. 8. As you can see, he's done some pretty horrible stuff, but there is one particular thing he did which. Tried to fool Horus into joining Chaos. Also fuck Erebus. Erebus was on the deck before he knew how. Fuck Erebus Parnassus class dreadnought, 1,030 meters long with heavy armor and devastating firepower. He was a servant of Chaos BEFORE he became a space marine. Private group. Fuck him with Nurgle's bloated, diseased dick. I've listened to many lore videos, and have talked about the lore with many people, so I already know how it all ends. In order to prevent this, they decided to wipe the galaxy of life. When he convinced Horus to join Chaos. I hope Guilliman finishes the job next time he faces him. Kharn_the_Bloody_Bot A Swell Guy • 6 yr. This would cause a chain reaction that would lead to the Emperor of Mankind's favourite son, Horus Lupercal, instigating the most devastating civil war in humanity. . During the Crusade the age of induction was far higher than it is in 40K as the Imperium lost much of the technology utilized for geneseed implementation. 1K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. EREBUS, OF THE Word Bearers Legion, the XVII, had joined them a fortnight earlier as part of the contingent brought by Varvarus. This subreddit is dedicated to the fandom's unending loathing for him. Massive spoilers for Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. Fuck Erebus though, Argel Tal deserved a better death than that. "Fuck Erebus" has a very different ring to it than "Fuck Morathi". Oh no I forgot to say FUCK EREBUS!The_Chef_Queen • 7 mo. Once you get a few more books in and hear the whole story you may be surprised to learn who the real villains are. 2K votes, 44 comments. It's not the true belief, its the smirk that smug little prick has when he does it. Still alive sadly. The scene where Horus is trying to explain what happened to Jubal to Loken. He killed an aspiring Colchisian priest and stole his identity to secure a life of luxury among the priesthood. I'm a thoroughly depraved Slaaneshi cultist to my core, and frankly I'd rather sit through a thousand years of celibacy and sermons than fuck Erebus. 9. 9. Join group. well, Fuck Erebus lmao. Nah, Fuck Erebus, Erebus actively did a lot of things wrong on purpose. He is the only one in the entire setting who has purpose, never doubted, and faced every single challenge his way. The pig was also diseased. Erebus was a bad kid from the get-go. MatterWilling • 5 mo. I'm sure most, if not all, of you know…This is amazing. 3K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. Erebus fact number 12: When designing the Complementary Fuck You Erebus Hot Towel™, the company originally intended to have each towel feature a picture of Erebus, however the manufactorum workers tasked with this shot themselves. Spark-001 • 6 yr. Erebus never really gets a comeuppance, he teleports away from Kharn and he lets Horus skin his face while also having the ability to just regrow the skin if he wants to. I started working on this design about 3 days ago and I think it looks pretty good so far, but it still needs a lot of work. Fuck Kor Phaeron, Fuck Erebus, fuck the Word Bearers. 377K subscribers in the Grimdank community. 4K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. Kharn wins without. All that said, I am now writing an open letter to Erebus, chaplain of the Word Bearers: "Fuck you with four-foot rusted adamantium pipe!"Erebus needs to suffer beyond the Drukhari's wildest dreams. chivas39 • 5 mo. This is the last time. For reals, fuck Erebus. 9. Erebus actually tried, but he froze when he felt Gorechild’s teeth against his spine. Oh you will. Lorgar is the traitor primarch of the Word Bearers, Erebus was just a chaplain. Nothing that is true, no sword that is not a falsehood, no strength that is not a lie. Perpetuals can be permanently killed. 49 votes, 17 comments. 4K votes, 148 comments. The imperial truth was manifest destiny all the way, natives be damned. Fuck Erebus, and that is a fucking outstanding looking Erebus. FUCK EREBUS! FUCKIN EREBUS CORRUPTED THE WARMASTER! Horus was pure! He was a good boy until Erebus corrupted him on Davin. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. The God emperor, the one true God, may his holy word fill your heart, smote Horus like the $2 whore he was, but Erebus escaped and that may be the single greatest injustice in a universe built on bricks made of injustice and mortared with a thin paste made of "Magnus did nothing wrong". That's very. Erebus, the asshole so disliked by the universe the 4 gods of literal hell don't make him a chaos lord because they don't want to claim him. Count only the number of times you said "Fuck Erebus". Even the daemon, Raum, was right. He pissed on my Imperium. 9. 283K subscribers in the Grimdank community. Killed Argel Tal and, to put it bluntly, is a gigantic cunt. 80 votes, 16 comments. He was the son of Khaos, and the God of Darkness, the night and shadows. Massive spoilers for Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. The Four understood they were dealing with a creature that not only had the plan to cut them off from basically the only race that was fueling their existence, but. Fuck Erebus, Argel Tal was cool, Kharn did nothing wrong, and Lorgar should’ve let Angron die. Because he was always, from the beginning, a total murdering evil asshole with no redeeming qualities. The Chief God (Who may or may not be the current One, or the one they think it is might be a proxy) Made monsters to Cull humanity every now and again (and. And then another, and another and another. What could torture Erebus better than the most vile and horrible thing to ever exist: himself? He will have to experience the misery and despair he inspired in others during the time he blighted the galaxy. Your central hub for the dankest memes from the 41st millennium and the Mortal…135 votes, 21 comments. The real reason Erebus turned to the ruinous powers. Erebus is also smart enough to stay far far away. The gods need agents and he is the most competent and dedicated. He literally did everything to ensure to turn a decisive victory for the Word Bearers into a phyrric victory for the Ultramarines. (On a side note, i'm pleased to see that when I type the word fuck, my keyboard offers Erebus as the next word) Reply. Fuck Erebus (again and again) 8 /r/fuckerebus, 2021-12-17, 23:53:07 Permalink. Credit to u/awiseoldturtle for the original post . A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain…Battletech is an amazing setting and game, that being said FUCK EREBUS and FUCK THIS SHITTY BOOK. ‘Ezekyle has a valid point,’ said Erebus quietly. 359K subscribers in the Grimdank community. 9K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. Reply. I hope Guilliman finishes the job next time he faces him. A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain…414 votes, 29 comments. Fuck…The Warmaster ordered Erebus to work on the corruption of the 9th Legion, and Erebus spread a secret ritual to the 9th Legion members belonging to his private organization. Just finished part 1 of Warhawk. 5K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. 348K subscribers in the Grimdank community. Hateful, cruel and oppressive sounds a L O T better than space aids, violent dates with the sharp end of chainswords, spontaneous chaosspawnification, and reenacting hellraiser (while on all. 414 votes, 56 comments. Dude caused 9 legions and their primarchs to turn to Chaos. A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain of the Word Bearers…In interplanetary space, however, where there’s around an atom for like every 10cm3 of space you’d freeze to 3 kelvin, around -270c! So yeah, fuck Erebus and fuck his. ThreeHobbitsInACoat • 2 mo. Now those are perfect qualities for an agent of chaos, but some prefer more direct approaches. He is a far better person than the fuck-wit. Pretty sure Erebus is a bottom, so I'd be fucking him, which isn't great, but it beats death. Fuck Erebus. Your central hub for the dankest memes from the 41st millennium and the Mortal…Is typhon not the DG version of erebus, fuck erebus. Erebus was just a massive dick that not only did a huge amount of the legwork to start the Heresy (far from special in that regard), but also had a personal hand. Erebus has never seem his reflection. The Pharos, I do believe. Literally everything that's happening now is because of him. He thinks about what could potentially benefit all of mankind in ways outside of the rigid doctrines of the Imperium. 265 votes, 27 comments. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I read a few more HH books and soon grew to know and hate him. Not like he wanted to become a whatever the fuck nurgle turned him into. Fuck Erebus, me and my homies all hate Erebus. Nor should they. I think its because he just gets away with it, like how is he in 40k not dead yet, he must have more enemys. CryptoKor Phaeron is more comedic and digestible. Erebus was a servant of these Gods. 8. He then used this to get enough of a power boost with some. He was the first to fall to Chaos and he corrupted both Lorgar (primarch of the Word Bearers) and Horus (primarch of the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus) as well. Chaos players that hate Erebus usually do so because he's a slimy snake. Walking his path between Earth and Hades. seriously, fuck that guy! He's an excellent character, and a thoroughly bad, nasty and shitty person who's completely unrepetant about it. PLEASE GW. Reply reply458 votes, 12 comments. He's also a dick to anyone he's around. He's a hateable fuckhead, an utter bastard who has caused so much harm because he's evil for evil's sake. 5K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. But honestly the reason he sucks to me is the whole total dick thing. While as a character he deserves a lot of hate, he also deserves or admiration as readers for how well he portrayed as an inhuman being worshipping impossible beings. The Chaos Gods hate the Emperor because his Imperium challenged them. He needs to suffer beyond the greatest tortures that even Slaanesh itself is capable of personally inflicting. He is surprised that in 10. Erebus and Lucius are widely disliked, and for good reason. Really, fuck Erebus. December 28, 2012. Reply . Erebus was the first chaplain of the Word Bearers legion. Fuck that fucking fuck. 9. Kor on the other hand regularly gets embarrassed, is smoked by Guilliman, has his body the subject of a tug of war between a team. Lupercal! Lupercal!'. The guy may be an asshole and a. Do not count days, do not count upvotes. "The Ruinstorm is born," Erebus stated. Saramello • 9 mo. As a Lorgar fan, fuck Erebus. I find the idea of a highly advanced human civilization existing outside of the Imperium of Man interesting and I wonder. The betrayal of the woman who thought she was an ally to get Tzeentch, the eating of the heart for Khorn, the disease for Nurgle, the r@pe for Slaanesh. 4K votes, 74 comments. By the way, love your user name. The Emperor started everything the moment in cui he (allegedly) promised something to the Gods on Molech and then he didn't honoured his word. I know that fuck Erebus are the watchwords of our subreddit but I very much feel as though Typhus is so much more of an asshole. Base +9, elephino -6 , MehMeher -5 ,. Erebus bowed to the crowd, facing the applause of fists thudding against bare chests. To the gods, princes are trophies. Business, Economics, and Finance. Just Finished Horus Rising. But own up to it when folks call you on it. Erebus is an agent. Erebus stepped aside. Desperate to save Horus, Abaddon and other Luna Wolves officers, except Garviel and Tarik, agreed to have Horus go through a ritual planned by Erebus with intentions of making Horus betray the Emperor. Erebus gave a gasp as Horus took his athame and turned it in his grip, letting the warp-touched blade catch the chamber’s ill light. If you say "Fuck Erebus", say it one more time — there is nothing more amusing for us than a cacophony of "Fuck Erebus" screams. as far as i am concerned the setting ends in 3067, fuck word of blake and the jihad and fuck them for trying to advance the timeline, its not a sin that they did but that they did so poorly. After digging. FUCK EREBUS BROOOOOOOOAll of my 40k memes are here sponsorship enquires and for c. Also, fuck Erebus. ago. Fuck him for causing Conrad to snap Fuck him for putting the nails in Angron Fuck him for the burning of Prospero Fuck him from ruining the Webway Fuck him for killing Sanginus, Ferrus, and "Alpharius " Fuck him for the Big E and Malcador Just fuck Erebus, fuck I hate that guyAn announcement by the Fuck Erebus gang. ‘You showed yourself to me. If you wanna brag, do you. Middle left- Erebus- fuck erebus hes one of reasons HH started Middle right- Mannfred von Carstein- poors man Vlad von Carstein, stabbed Gelt in back during end Times thus all went shit Right bottom - Lady of the lake - made bretonninas think shes some sort of goddess. Starscream is a fallen Mechanicus automata that was possessed by a sack of daemonic weasels. 6K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. Fuck Kor Phaeron, Fuck Erebus, fuck the Word Bearers. Erebus though seems to take a perverse, sadistic pleasure in inflicting tragedy and betrayal. I’m new to 40K. Honestly, fuck Erebus. He used God, then the Emperor, and then chaos to claw his way to more and more power because he is too weak and pathetic to ever succeed on his own merit. Erebus. He took two steps towards Erebus, eyes glittering. 693 votes, 17 comments. The excerpt describes Fulgrim‘s inner turmoil that despite the fact that this guy hasn’t said a word or done a thing, Fulgrim instinctively hates is guts. yeah Erebus is a despicable villain, but Kor Phaeron is the poster-boy for bitch ass motherfuckers. 168 ratings. I saw what you show. Several seconds passed before Erebus’s lips split, curled into a soft indulgent smile. That alone is enough for him to be a pretty despised character by the fandom, but Erebus makes it worse by by being a smug-ass piece of shit. After his fall, Erebus set up the slaughter of the Interex civilization to prevent them from warning the Imperium about Chaos and arranged for the corruption of Lorgar and Horus Lupercal, setting up the Horus Heresy that would turn the galaxy and Imperium into. Reply mobby123 Knights of Blood •. Just so know, Erebus has some Great moments in Betrayer and. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX TeslaErebus has demonstrated at this point he’s dedicated, diplomatic, and as clever as anyone else in the Lore. To get it all properly down, it should be… Lucius the Eternal Legendary Creature - Astartes Warrior Haste Bell of Soulscream — When Lucius the Eternal dies, exile it and choose target creature an opponent controls. 82 votes, 20 comments. Everyone says Erebus. His parents would constantly chastise him and compare him to another boy named. As a subreddit dedicated to the honor and adoration of such a noble devotee of the four gods, any negative comments or posts…The problem with Erebus (and why he's the absolute worst) is because he's literally too dense to learn or grow from failure. Erebus did everything wrong, and furthermore, fuck Erebus. Erebus cannot, and should not, be hated for who he is, which is a force of nature. And, truly, fuck him, but: Erebus is atleast, if nothing else, a true believer. Reply reply Erikavpommern • Man, fuck Erebus. 325K subscribers in the Grimdank community. A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain…Don’t know enough about Talos, but Sevatar was…interesting. DustPan2 • 2 yr. A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain of the Word Bearers…40k refers to Warhammer 40,000 (or 40k), which is a tabletop war game taking place within the Warhammer universe. Reply. Loken had two options to speak with - Abbadon or Horus. . The OG nasty bastard. Also fuck Erebus because he was a lonely autist who tried to and wanted nothing more than to be his own master and in the end he's still a slave, but no matter how much you hate him, he's the perfect metaphor of Chaos. She infact was one and give some knigts power ( grail knigts ) but infact. Thunderous_Ball_Slap • 2 yr. In interplanetary space, however, where there’s around an atom for like every 10cm3 of space you’d freeze to 3 kelvin, around -270c! So yeah, fuck Erebus and fuck his irradiated, flash-frozen chaos-jerky corpse too! please tell me if I. Erebus's motivation isn't terrible complex. 2K. That's not Erebus level. 5. The mofo even failed to kill Roblox Furryhands. Also FUCK EREBUS!!Galactic Empire and the Imperium are both the least bad option for humanity in both settings. 1. 9. Your central hub for the dankest memes from the 41st millennium and the Mortal…Erebus: that's a nice friendship you have there. The end!. He does what he does out of pure conviction for his cause (bad as that cause itself may be), and so far we have never seen him unwilling to pay any price for anything as long as whatever he thinks the Dark Gods want done is done. . He would constantly manipulate people, torture animals, et cetera. I'm about a quarter of the way. 229K subscribers in the 40kLore community. If not: Corvus Corax hunts down Lorgar and Erebus is one of the people in his way. 3. ago. Reply reply [deleted] • I like Erebus becuse he showed that one guy could cuck the biggest empire in the galaxy with just a few actions. While Erebus killed a Sun (with some assistance, ofc)The Warmaster’s hand shot out and snatched at the hilt of a dagger sheathed at the Dark Apostle’s belt. Fuck (and I can't stress this enough) that fucking fuck Erebus. Erda is a Perpetual who is the genetic mother of the Primarchs, as it was her genetic material combined with the Emperor's that made them. Reply Jozda. Erebus has a purpose, it's to fuck shit up and make you mad. Maybe with his rememberancer. The words of denial halfway to his tongue when Erebus, first Chaplain of the Word Bearers. ago. Basically every erebus post on anywhere is filled with fuck erebus. ago. 4. Reply128 votes, 25 comments. Erebus is hated because he's entirely responsible for the horus heresy and the death or corruption of the nicest and most interesting characters. Of course some would say that Kor Phaeron wasn't a marine, but I'm not sure that is the case. She shows up in the Siege of Terra books with an Alpha Legion marine and leads a mission to infiltrate the palace with John and Oll' Persson to confront the Emperor for an as-yet unknown reason. - his childhood hobbies included ripping the legs off of scorpions. I mean, if everyone got their shit together, and actually joined forces to fight the overwhelming forces of Chaos, Necrons, Orks, and ‘Nids (hell, maybe they could even get Orks on their side if they promise a good Krumpin’) (OR EVEN THE CRONS if. A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain of the Word Bearers…219 votes, 53 comments. I find the idea of a highly advanced human civilization existing outside of the Imperium of Man interesting and I wonder. Also, starting a World Eaters army now. For Man to truly flourish he must be willing to abandon the ever shrinking island of such petty 'truth' and surrender himself to the reality of that which is beyond. ago. I hate chaos cause traitor legions that only follow one god will get more focus than traitor legions that follow no gods or all four… also Fuck Erebus. Sounds like mission accomplished to me. Not targeting the Ultramarines ground forces. Edit: Im. In Fantasy, Morathi is only responsible for screwing over the Elves, which doesn't necessarily screw over the whole world, because the Elves. After digging. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) IPA : ˈerɪbəs. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Erebus (Word Bearers 1st Chaplain) 499. Why does Kharn hate Erebus. If you believe there is no truth in the old ways – if you believe mankind will prosper without faith, then carve the two hearts from my chest. Fuck that guy. 5K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. I'm surprised he doesn't give 'wise council' to Abbadon to try to fuck up things more, or some other way of being put into the story to make him more important. A subreddit dedicated to the hatred and vilification of Erebus, first chaplain…Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. I liked the Argel Tal-Kharn team. In his stone-grey Mark IV plate, inscribed with bas-relief legacies of his deeds, Erebus was a sombre, serious figure. Reply . 18 votes, 42 comments. 4K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. Truly, fuck Erebus. They set the rules of the match - basically a fight to the death. Your central hub for the dankest memes from the 41st millennium and the Mortal…Secondly, FUCK EREBUS. So true. I started working on this design about 3 days ago and I think it looks pretty good so far, but it still needs a lot of work. His Imperial Truth preached atheism and his FTL didn't involve going through the warp, which weakens the Gods. Erebus must just have one of those faces. Erebus, the ass monkey who fuck up everything to the point of even fucking up his own plans. 5K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. I think from 1st captains he loses to Sigismund and Abbadon only (Khârn was captain from the 8th IIRC). Kor Phearon. MOTHERFUCKER ALWAYS RUINS HUMANITY. Yes, but Kharn isn't going to go hunting him Dick Tracy style through the Eye. Abaddon moved to intercept him, half-drawing his blade. Essentially, Erebus defeated the Emperor with 'soft power,' turning his own tools against him, beating Emps at a game Emps himself employed for tens of thousands of years. So everyone knows Erebus is the guys who decided to derail the Emperors plans, turn the 40k universe into the dystopian…Erebus was a child when the emperor landed in colchis. 2K votes, 59 comments. He's pretty much one of the easiest antagonists to point a finger at. I like Erebus. The sergeant took the proferred hand, gripping it with his new. He paved the way for Eidolon and Bile and the rest of the Word Bearers. 2K votes, 82 comments. 3K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. Erebus is the reason everything went utterly to shit. Erebus was the catalyst for the heresy, I give him props for planting the seeds of corruption to cause multiple primarchs to fall and doom humanity buts that’s all I will. He killed an aspiring Colchisian priest and stole his identity to secure a life of luxury among the priesthood. Fuck Lorgar. 8. 2K votes, 82 comments. 4K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. People hate on him because he came in guise of his favorite son Sajenus (or however you spell that) who died previousl, but often forget it was Lorgar's will to wound and corrupt Horus. Erebus is like Jeoffry Baratheon, you just love to hate him. There are many variables in life, but "fuck Erebus" is one of the few constants. ago. His Imperial Truth preached atheism and his FTL didn't involve going through the warp, which weakens the Gods. In addition while most of those that fell did so due to machinations, old grievances or tragic circumstance, Erebus (and some others) set a lot of those tragedies in motion. 176 votes, 20 comments. 7K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. Vorokar Adeptus Administratum • 6 mo. He's redundant. Pain flared across his chest, hot and urgent, matching the throb of his smashed face. Word Bearers fans that hate Erebus usually do so because he killed best boy Argel Tal. 3K subscribers in the fuckerebus community. 9. 339 votes, 14 comments.